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Posted on 22 September 2023

WrappedBy 1.1

Hello, I'm Maful, and I'm excited to introduce you to the very first edition of WrappedBy's Product Updates. It's been an incredible two weeks since the launch of WrappedBy's official release, and we've been hard at work to enhance your experience. While these updates have been live since September 16th, we're eager to dive deeper and provide you with a comprehensive overview. We're here to make your deployment experience better than ever, and today, we have some thrilling updates to share that will do just that.

Manage Server SSH Keys

Our first update is all about Manage SSH Keys. We've put the power in your hands, giving you complete control over the SSH keys linked to your server. Adding or removing keys has never been easier, offering enhanced security and flexibility. Let's take a closer look at how this feature works.

Edit Project Environment Variables

Effective management of project environment variables is crucial. That's why we've introduced the Edit Environment Variables feature. Making changes is now as simple as flipping a switch, eliminating the need to delete and recreate variables.

Injected Environment Variables

But that's not all! We're taking a giant leap forward with the Injected Environment Variables update. Say goodbye to the dotenv gem in your production environment. WrappedBy now automatically injects environment variables into your application. Whether it's an existing project or a new one, your configurations are seamlessly managed by WrappedBy.

Support for Sinatra Framework

Prepare to be amazed as we proudly introduce our biggest update yet—Support for the Sinatra Framework. This is a monumental stride for WrappedBy as we broaden our horizons to serve an even larger developer community. Deploying Sinatra applications with WrappedBy is now a breeze. Let's explore this new capability together.

You can download the demo repository for Sinatra Framework.

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

We've been hard at work behind the scenes, addressing bugs, and fine-tuning performance. Your experience with WrappedBy is now smoother than ever.

Closing Thoughts

These updates are our way of expressing gratitude for your incredible support and invaluable feedback. We're committed to making WrappedBy the ultimate deployment platform for Ruby and Rails developers. So go ahead, deploy with confidence, and stay tuned for even more exciting developments on the horizon.